A Journal of Experimental Gestation and its Aftermath




We are currently accepting submissions for the launch of Permanent Ambivalence. Please email us with 1-3 pieces and a short bio. While we are primarily a journal of text, we are an online journal and as such are able to include any format that is easily publishable on this platform. Writers/artists will retain all rights to their work. We only ask that you credit us with first publication if your work is later included elsewhere.

Permanent Ambivalence will be endlessly rotating and thirsty for co-parents. For as long as it is sustainable we will receive submissions and add to the journal on a rolling basis. Please allow us 3 months to respond to your submission. After that time, you are welcome to check back. Simultaneous submissions are welcomed as long as you withdraw your work if it is submitted elsewhere. Please do not send us work that has been previously published.


A Few Notes:

Our goal is to explode the margins on what constitutes compelling discourse on the subject of gestation. We believe that means including work in diverse forms from people with diverse racial, ethnic, gender and sexual identities and from diverse cultural backgrounds.

As of right now Permanent Ambivalence does not have an income source and we are unable to pay contributors. Should we develop an income source, fair compensation for all creative labor will be a priority.

We do not currently have length requirements for submissions. However, whatever you submit should be able to thrive in the context of a web journal.

If you have any other questions about submitting to Permanent Ambivalence, please do not hesitate to reach out.